Cecare Medical
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Cercare Medical Neurosuite (CMN)

Assists in brain perfusion imaging solutions for CT and MRI, focusing on neurological conditions such as acute ischemic stroke, neuro-oncology, and intracerebral hemorrhage

Product Overview

Intended Use

All devices are CE-marked according to the  European Medical Device Regulation 2017/45. Cercare Stroke is FDA cleared for use with MR only - not all maps are available in the US. For regulatory status of Cercare Stroke in other countries and regions, please contact CeCare.

Input Data

CT perfusionMR perfusionMR T2 FLAIRMR diffusion

Output Data

Generating regions of interest for potentially hypo-perfused tissue and severely hypo-perfused (ischemic core) tissue and combining the two using mismatch volume and mismatch ratio.Providing user with maps of assessed acute ischemic stroke lesions, which can be used during management of acute ischemic stroke.

Public information


MR core: dice score 0.73MR hypo: dice score 0.80CT hypo: dice score 0.83


Cercare Medical Neurosuite (CMN) provides a zero click, fully automated, vendor neutral software solution - without changing the current adopted workflow, helping reduce the burden on healthcare institutions through reduced post processing clincial hours.Both their standard and advanced biomarkers provide critical insights to support treatment for  acute stroke and brain oncology. Additionally, they offer valuable applications  across neurodegenerative diseases, empowering clinicians with more precise  data to guide interventions and improve clinical decision-making.  Cercare Medical itegrates effortlessly with PACS and other systems, ensuring secure and accessible image sharing across departments. We can tailor workflow settings to meet the specific needs of individual clinics, optimizing imaging processes and patient care.


OncologyPark et al, 2023 - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00330-023-10324-9Sim et al, 2024 - https://www.ejradiology.com/article/S0720-048X(24)00100-1/abstractStrokeBani-Sadr et al, 2024 - https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.047311Otgonbaatar et al, 2024 https://www.ajnr.org/content/45/10/1432



Østergaard et al, 2013 - Value of biomarkers in an oncology setting


Tietze et al, 2015 -  CTH improves tumor grading and outcome prediction in glioma patients compared to CBV alone


Mikkelsen et al, 2015 -  Comparison between SVD method and vascular model. Vascular model can be applied to shorter scan durations.


Potreck et al, 2019 - CTH is a predictor of outcome for ICH in patients with acute ischemic stroke and mismatch  undergoing endovascular thrombectomy


Mouridsen et al. 2014 - Technical presentation of the measure of CTH and other biomarker


Mouridsen et al. 2006 - Technical presentation of the vascular model and comparison with the traditional one


Hansen et al., 2016 -  Agreement between model and 4 expert readers.10.1002/jmri.24963


Madsen et al. 2022 - Both Alzheimer disease and Mild Cognitive impairment patients showed increased CTH, suggesting that heterogeneity of capillary blood flowis a primary pathological event in Alzheimer Disease.


Related Function
Image analysis - CT
Related Domain
Market Approval