Automates labelling and visualisation of brain MRI for patients aged 15 to 75 years
Cerebriu Apollo for Brain MRI is intended for automatic labeling and visualization of candidate findings larger than 5 mm3 from a set of magnetic resonance image (MRI) scans of a human brain aged between 15 and 75 years. The supported candidate findings are [infarcts] (except chronic), [intracranial tumors] (except iso-intense on T2 FLAIR), and [intracranial hemorrhages] (except isolated intraventricular hemorrhages, microhemorrhages, or those that are not hypointense on SWI/T2* GRE).
MRI head scans
Apollo software, through Smart Alert and Smart Protocol and integration with PACs and RIS
AI-based stroke detection tool in an outpatient radiology center reduces scanning and reporting time. 43 patients included. n=16 showed acute non-lacunar infarcts and n=27 showed either lacunar or chronic infarcts. Of the 16 non-lacunar acute infarcts, Apollo was able to flag 13 cases (diagnostic accuracy 81%). On average, all patients had 9 sequences acquired. This number could be reduced to 4 with Apollo smart protocoling. The mean radiological reporting time for each patient was 4 hrs and 1 min, with 14% of cases reported after 6hrs. With Apollo’s flagging of potentially critical findings, the reporting time could be reduced to 20 mins.